Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, proud owner of the first-ever tweet on the social media platform, is auctioning it off as a non-fungible token (NFT).

Dorsey today put the tweet from March 21, 2006, which reads "just setting up my twttr," on sale via the platform Valuables.

As of 8:00 p.m. Eastern, the top bid was $88,888.88 in ETH. The auction lasts until Dorsey accepts a bid.


According to the Valuables website, "The tweet itself will continue to live on Twitter. What you are purchasing is a digital certificate of the tweet, unique because it has been signed and verified by the creator."

Users can bid on the item with Ether, the native token of the Ethereum blockchain, where the transaction will take place.

NFTs are exploding in popularity. The top three NFT marketplaces—NBA Top Shot, OpenSea, and Beeple did a combined $342 million in trading volume in February.

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