Tezos (XTZ), the tenth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, has jumped more than 4% since this morning and is trading for just under $2.80 per token. 

Along with Ripple’s XRP, which today has gained more than 7%, Tezos is leading the industry’s top 10 coins by market capitalization in terms of daily gains.


Volatility has been high for Tezos as of late. Today’s price spike for XTZ reverses the losses incurred on Monday. At the time, Tezos fell by 6% and was trading for $2.63. It was the day’s biggest loser among the top 10.

Despite yesterday’s dip, however, Tezos has been on a steady incline since the Black Thursday crash that rocked the markets. The price of XTZ has now more than doubled since it crashed all the way down to $1.34 in mid-March.

The crypto as a whole appears to be enjoying some renewed enthusiasm. And the biggest recipient of that newfound optimism is Ripple’s XRP.

The fourth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, according to data from Messari, has today surged all the way back above the $0.20 per coin mark. Ripple had not reached this price since before the market crash in March.

Meanwhile, Ethereum is now inching closer to the $200 price point, trading at around $195 per coin, while Bitcoin, the market leader, is holding steady at $7,700.


The views and opinions expressed by the author are for informational purposes only and do not constitute financial, investment, or other advice.

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