Tezos (XTZ), the tenth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, today has dropped by nearly 6% since the early morning hours. 

Now trading for just $2.63 per coin, that’s enough to make it the market’s biggest mover today within the top 10 coins.

Despite the drop, the price of Tezos is still up considerably since the March 12 crash. In fact, crypto investors who bought the dip on XTZ back then would today still be up almost double on their investment.


Back in March, Tezos fell to $1.34 from $2.50, losing nearly half its value within hours. Since then, XTZ has more than made up for that sharp drop, as the coin has gained roughly 96% on its price.

The month of April has been good to Tezos. Late last week, the currency surpassed EOS in terms of price, real volume and staking value. It’s a notable accomplishment, considering EOS sits two positions ahead of Tezos as the eighth-largest coin in the market.

What’s more, Tezos earned the distinction of a top blockchain platform, ahead of even Bitcoin, from Weiss Crypto Ratings last week. Earlier in the month, Tezos achieved another milestone when its overall market cap broke the $1.5 billion mark. So while today’s price dip might sting for XTZ holders, things are looking up for Tezos overall at the moment.

And largely applies to the rest of the crypto market as well. While flat today, Bitcoin surged over the weekend and is now trading for $7,674 per coin. Total market capitalization for all cryptocurrencies has improved to $220 billion—an increase of $5 billion since Friday.

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