Binance today unveiled new developer initiative “Binance X,” a program designed to support third-party developers building on the Binance ecosystem. 

Since its launch in 2017, Binance has grown from a single exchange to a suite of eight products including Binance Academy, Binance Labs, and Binance Launchpad, among others. 

A post on Binance’s blog described the three themes around which Binance will organize activities on Binance X, “Learn,” “Collaborate,” and “Grow.”

“Under Learn, we provide official and eventually third-party resources to help you learn and reference relevant information. Under Collaborate, we provide tools and channels where you can engage, both online and in real life, with relevant Binance teams and other third-party developers. Under Grow, we refer you to different programs at Binance designed to help projects at different stages of maturity level up to the next phase of growth.”


As the platform has grown, so has the opportunity for third-party developers to build on it, allowing them to leverage various Binance products to sell their own products and services. 

With developer-facing products like exchange APIs, a public blockchain and a decentralized exchange, Binance X will serve as a cohesive hub to engage and support developers and foster third-party development, the company said in a statement.      

The Binance X Developers Network will complement the Binance X Fellowship Program,  launched earlier this year. To date, the Fellowship Program has on-boarded more than 40 projects across various blockchain ecosystems. Both these open-source initiatives are launched with Binance’s long-term mission in mind, to “provide infrastructure to enable the freedom of money.”

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