Our stuff 

Flying too close to the sun

Despite a media backlash, allegations of corruption, and a general unpopularity among crypto purists, TRON is plowing ahead with its tokenization of the BitTorrent protocol, which it says will roll out this summer. But will it work?

To answer this confounding question, we sicced Ben Munster, Decrypt’s Reporter of the Week (and it’s only Monday) on the press release and boy oh boy did he deliver. Read his masterpiece here.


Tim Copeland, leader of men, does it again

Star of the tiny screen and Decrypt’s leading man, Tim Copeland, asserts that though decentralized exchanges have failed to capture the hearts and minds of crypto traders, a new batch of DEXes is starting to thrive on decentralised network EOS.  Copeland attempts to construct his thesis entirely from a research report, and somehow transitions into a broader narrative about EOS versus Ethereum and the future of decentralization. You will find his conclusions astounding—and shocking.

Other stuff 

[Ed. The degenerate slackers I call my editorial team somehow managed to cover everything of interest today, so today’s Martin Luther King Day Special Edition of Debrief’s “Other Stuff” section is a little truncated. I wouldn’t bank on this happening again, or until there’s another bank holiday in the U.S.]

On the click-trail 

Because there’s no news that we didn’t already heroically cover today, we jumped on Google Trends to see how else we could generate some of the juicy clicks we so desperately need—because as usual, the boys at the click farm were letting us down.


Now, apparently, one of the top five most searched terms at the moment is “Will Bitcoin recover?” (Which peaked as a search term during November’s market downturn.) This is something other publications seem to have taken note of long before us. Take a look for yourself. They have been shamelessly and very understandably building their stories around those keywords—or similar ones—for months. Needless to say, we thought we’d redirect that traffic to ourselves by aggregating these traffic-sponging headlines, en masse, right here:

Will Bitcoin recover in 2019? Will the crypto market recover in 2019?, Could crypto SURGE before end of 2018 after Black Friday weekend CRASH?, Cryptocurrencies Show Signs of Recovery After a Crash-Tastic Two Weeks, Is the salvation near or are we headed to sub $3,000?, Will Bitcoin (BTC) Prices Ever Recover?, When Will Bitcoin Recover From Its Slump? Bitcoin about to drop to 4k, how will the market recover?, Will Bitcoin Recover From These Price Drops?

The short answer to all these questions, by the way, is no.

Thanks for clicking.

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