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A series of conversations exploring the human side of creativity at the evolving intersection of art, technology and finance. As exponential technologies continue to impact how we create, share, and interact, host Simon Clowes discusses with his guests what it takes to consistently perform, grow and adapt amidst the challenges and intricacies of living and operating as a creative.

Sep 24, 2024

User-Generated Content and the Future of Gaming

“Learn how to create a revenue avenue for yourself through solo entrepreneurship, using the tools and platforms that are around you that allow you to do things on your own without relying on an employer. There are going to be some major changes in the next few...

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Sep 3, 2024

The Web3 Creator Economy

“For me, ownership is not being canceled because of my subject material. It’s about me owning the interaction with those who have chosen to consume that content. We’ve made a conscious decision to do that together, and typically that happens through blockchain...

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Aug 7, 2024

Mentorship and the Art of Building Strategic Networks

“As a creative, you may be brilliant at music, art, or design, but don’t let yourself be taken advantage of by others who exploit that talent. Have great people in your circle of friends and among your partners who are aligned with your success.” — Kneeland Yo...

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Jul 23, 2024

Beyond GenAI Hype: Disability and Neurodivergence Inclusion for Livable, Hopeful Futures

“Instead of judging others, what if we actually get curious about them? Specifically with neurodivergence, embracing who we truly are can help us feel well within our minds and bodies. We can learn so much about different ways of being and what it takes to thi...

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Jul 2, 2024

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Embracing Your True Self

“One of the hardest things about being a creative is you have to do so much work, with the idea that no one will care.” — Jeffrey Paradise Jeffrey Paradise is a producer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist from the band Poolside. From a humble beginning in...

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Jun 11, 2024

Empowering Black Creatives Through Access, Education, and Inclusion

"One of the most challenging things we deal with is the feeling that it doesn't actually matter how good the work is. As a minority, this is the most defeated we feel. I'm sure our competitors have felt similar feelings as creative professionals, but when you...

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May 29, 2024

Healing Loneliness Through Art, Online Communities, and Exponential Technologies

"[On digital asset ownership,] even if all this does for the next two or three years is make us question what it means to own our assets, I’m fine with it." — Michaela Lallouz Exponential technologies are connecting us in new, unprecedented ways, reshaping how...

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Apr 19, 2024

Object Subject Form: An Intro

Object Subject Form is a series of conversations exploring the human side of creativity at the evolving intersection of art, technology, and finance. As exponential technologies continue to impact how we create, share, and interact, host Simon Clowes discusses...

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Apr 17, 2024

Reputation Equity

Reputation is like a nickname. You can’t give yourself a nickname. It is something that is bestowed upon you because of what others see and recognize in you. — riCardo Crespo Given the critical role of reputation in both personal and professional success, why...

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