Vitalik Buterin didn't immediately know who Tom Brady was. In fairness, the soon-to-be Hall of Fame quarterback never made the cover of Time. Which is how this all started.

Poking a bit of fun at himself over his own April cover story, Buterin tweeted a collection of tweets that all had one thing in common: that he looked like Tom Brady ... a not-quite-as-good version of Tom Brady.

“My best guess,” the Russian-Canadian Ethereum creator wrote, “was that he was the actor from Mission Impossible.”

Brady, a few days after unretiring, responded, thanking Buterin for everything you've built in the world of crypto, otherwise @Autograph wouldn't have been possible.


“Hope I get to meet you someday you’re the [GOAT],” Brady added, using the emoji to signify "Greatest Of All Time," words many often associate with the quarterback.

Buterin thanked Brady for the kind words.

Entrepreneur and Vayner Media CEO Gary Vaynerchuk, a huge New York Jets fan, also chimed in.


Brady has been a loud and visible advocate for cryptocurrency, investing last year in FTX alongside his wife, Gisele Bündchen. And earlier this year, his sports and entertainment NFT platform Autograph raised $170 million from investors, including Andreessen Horowitz’s a16z fund and Kleiner Perkins.

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