Welcome to the Daily Debrief. I’m in Denver, the city of… John Denver? I dunno. Anyway, I’m here for the annual ETHDenver conference—I’m the one wandering the aisles, wearing a sandwich board that says, Subscribe to the Daily Debrief.

Our stuff

Honest work. Using the same 31-second interview he tapped for his last 24 articles, vile shylock Tim C wrote an SEO-tempting piece entitled, “Jimmy Song’s five tips on how to survive a Bitcoin bear market.” Song’s “advice” includes such nuggets as, “Diversify your finances” and “stick to Bitcoin.” The best part of all this is that Song has blocked him on Twitter. READ IT HERE AND MAKE $$$$ FAST!!! (NOTE: THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE.)

“Slum Block Millionaires.” Adriana H today dug deep into a somewhat spurious-sounding scheme that encourages poor Pakistani kids to live-stream themselves teaching crypto, supposedly in a bid to keep them off the streets. But there were questions. Are they paid? Is it morally defensible? Is it even real? Is Adriana even real? Read here to find OUT.


Yes! Ben Munster (me) is back! Ben (me) is BACK and he (me) is in DENVER, the most exciting city on EARTH! Already he (me) has seen so much—trees. Today Ben (me), who is BACK, wrote about Blockchain for Babies, a book teaching blockchain to …. guess who? … adults! Ha ha, just kidding. It’s for bebes, silly. Readez-vous ici.

Other stuff

Quadriga loses more funds! The excessively-well documented saga of QuadrigaCX continues. Previously, QuadrigaCX made headlines when its founder died along with the key to its customers’ $190 million-worth of assets. Now Coindesk reports that the exchange actually lost a further $350,000 when it “inadvertently transferred 103 bitcoins” to several inaccessible, offline “cold wallets.” Most absurdly, this happened last week, after the exchange had already been made a global laughing stock for its prior embarrassments. Thanks for the heads up, Coindesk!

Nasdaqular. Nasdaq will launch several new indices tracking the prices of cryptoassets Bitcoin, Ethereum and Brave New Coin, the last of which is associated with crypto-powered web browser Brave. Get on Nasdaq and plow all of your daughter’s college fund into it, NOW!

Real fake news. Ooh, the Ripple price is “expected to rise,” because of “key links” with big banks including Mastercard and Barclays according to “u.today”! Oooh! Is this real?

Er, yes, somehow. Mastercard and Barclays, along with MIT Media Lab, have poured $1.7 million into “SendFriend,” a startup that uses Ripple’s XRP payments mechanism for remittances. We parsed every piece of material on hand, desperately hoping it was another morally onerous exaggeration chummed out by the XRP rumor mill, but alas, it’s from a respectable PR wire. XRP the Standard, I ... guess. 🙁


Written by Ben M, who is still suffering heart palpitations. Any nearby Denvens (Denverites? Denivens?) can hit him up on Tinder at ben@decryptmedia.com

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