In brief

  • The rights to televise the Missing Cryptoqueen podcast have been sold.
  • OneCoin promoters are now using the news to push the coin.
  • Telegram channels are still swindling investors into buying ONE coins.

Promoters of the collapsed $5 billion Ponzi scheme, known as OneCoin, are continuing to shill the coin. And they’ve now using a major announcement—about a TV series designed to expose it—to advertise the project even harder.

The rights to televise The Missing Cryptoqueen podcast were sold to New Regency Television on February 4. And, according to Jamie Bartlett, presenter of the podcast, OneCoin promoters have jumped on the news.

He tweeted, “Quick update: OneCoin promoters are taking this news story, twisting it, & then using it to promote their scam. Unbelievable!”


The promoter in particular is called Kamran Hye, who advertises for OneLife, a Telegram channel claiming to sell ONE coins—bear in mind the coins never existed in the first place—for outrageous sums of money. Packages start at €13,140 for these fake coins.

Hye wrote, “The bidding for the TV drama series on Cryptoqueen has been sold for a huge amount (undisclosed) as many well known production companies tried to win it sighting (sic) the demand for it and the worldwide audiences in many different languages and countries.”

The Missing Cryptoqueen explores the story of Bulgarian tech entrepreneur Dr. Ruja Ignatova, who launched a cryptocurrency called OneCoin in 2014. Investors from 175 countries poured as much as $5 billion into the cryptocurrency, which Ignatova billed as the “Bitcoin killer”—but she vanished in 2017 after OneCoin was exposed as a gigantic Ponzi scheme.

Despite the disappearance of its founder—whose whereabouts are still unknown—OneCoin is disputing allegations that it’s a scam. At the same time, people are still buying its pricey investment “packages.” And by the look of things, the TV drama series is just adding fuel to the fire.


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