Ethereum’s decentralized application (dapp) ecosystem had a strong start in 2020, according to the latest Dappradar’s report. Its Games and Marketplaces category takes the lead in terms of daily unique active wallets growth, showing an increase of 163% over the last year.

Active daily wallets in the category also account for 58% of the total dapp activity on the Ethereum network—a seven percent increase during the first month of the year. Yet, in terms of monthly growth, exchanges and decentralized finance (DeFi) apps shone brightly in January, showing a user increase of 9.7% and 7.1%, respectively.

TRON is also showing strong growth—its user base is up 33% compared to January 2019. The most popular category on it is somewhat similar to Ethereum—Gambling and High Risk—and accounts for 83% of TRON’s total user base.


On the other hand, EOS was not so lucky in 2020—the network saw an eight percent decrease of daily active unique wallets in January 2020. This is hardly surprising, given the fact that EOS was experiencing serious problems with congestion and there have been concerns in regard to it being prone to collusion.

Recently, EOS even offered $200,000 in a plot to rival Ethereum, trying to make it easier for Ethereum dapps to run on its blockchain. Not so long ago, EOS’s congestion has also led to gaming dapps migrating to WAX. Since games are now the hottest stuff on dapp-oriented blockchains—including EOS itself—that can’t have gone down well.

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