Blockchain tops the list of hard skills employers are looking for in 2020, according to a report by jobs site LinkedIn, published last week. 

The report places blockchain skills ahead of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing for employers in the US, the UK, France, Germany, and Australia—despite it not appearing on LinkedIn’s list for 2019.

A solution in search of problems?

LinkedIn sounds a note of caution to would-be blockchain hires, calling the technology “a business solution in search of problems.” Despite this skeptical view, it concedes that, “the business world, however, is voting with its jobs, and companies seem to be saying that the potential is worth the gamble.” The report noted that IBM, Oracle, JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, Amazon, and American Express are among companies hiring for blockchain workers.


A recent survey of data from job site Indeed showed that the share of job postings per million for cryptocurrency and blockchain roles has increased by 26% compared to the last year.

But while number go up for job postings, interest in the blockchain industry is correlated with the price of Bitcoin, according to an “Emerging Jobs” report for 2020, published by LinkedIn last month.

In its most recent post, LinkedIn suggested that recruiters should start schooling themselves in blockchain if they want to hire the best talent. 

Perhaps it’s no coincidence that “persuasion” is second in the top five soft skills.

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