YouTube has reinstated many channels of YouTubers who make crypto-related content after a widespread removal of videos over the last week—and has pledged to revive all of them. This follows widespread outrage among the crypto community and YouTube's statement yesterday where it admitted the channels were removed in error.

Yesterday, YouTube brought back to life many channels of prominant crypto YouTubers including: Sunny Decree, Nugget's News and Boxmining. Michael Gu, founder of Boxmining, took to Twitter on the news, "YouTube Content strikes against my channel as been removed, in what YouTube calls an "error in their algorithm." Boxmining is BACK online!"


Alex Saunders, founder of Nugget's News, tweeted today, "We're back! Still no contact from Youtube but the 250 removed videos & strikes have been revoked. Amazing to see the community rally behind everyone affected. This situation highlights the importance of educating the masses on decentralised systems."

After YouTube said yesterday that it had put up all crypto-related channels, we emailed back, reiterating four channels that had stayed down. A YouTube spokesman told Decrypt, "I asked our teams to look into the channels and all except Ivan on Tech should now have all videos reinstated. As mentioned before, these removals were made in error. The team is in the process of reinstating all videos that erroneously had videos affected by the same root cause."

"Regarding the (sic) Ivan on Tech, the video was removed because of a link in the video description that pointed to a website that violates our Community Guidelines," he added.

boxmining crypto channel comes back to life
Crypto channel Boxmining has reappeared with all of its old videos. Image: YouTube.

Crypto analyst Mati Greenspan, who initially called for a boycott of the Internet video giant, said, "Looks like YouTube has apologized & reinstated most of the censored material. Glad to see the community rallying to affect change."


He added, "I think that we've all learned some valuable lessons from this ordeal. I'll personally be using [YouTube] & all big tech a lot more cautiously from now on."

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