Нападение на Украину может только навредить России, Украине и человечеству.
Вернется ли ситуация на мирный путь или будет война, сейчас может решить не Зеленский, не нато, а @KremlinRussia
Надеюсь что выберут мудро.
— vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) February 11, 2022
Очень расстроен решением Путина отказаться от возможности мирного решения спора с Украиной и вместо этого начать войну. Это преступление против украинского и русского народа.
Хочу желать всем безопасности, хотя знаю, что не какой безопасности не будет.
Слава Украине.
— vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) February 24, 2022
To follow up on @VitalikButerin's tweet, I've confirmed directly with Ukrainian Ambassador @olex_scherba that the addresses are correct and in the control of the Ukrainian govt. Give!!! Defending free and open societies may be the best thing we ever do with our BTC and ETH...
— Tomicah Tillemann 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 (@TomicahTD) February 26, 2022
Getting some confirmations from a couple sources that it's legit. Deleting my warning for now. But continue to be vigilant, and always be slow and careful when sending irreversible crypto transactions. https://t.co/Odv5pxf3mp
— vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) February 26, 2022
Very interesting. The Ethereum address posted by the @ukraine account, which Bloomberg confirmed is legit, has taken in far more money than the Bitcoin one.
$4.1 million worth of ETH and other tokens vs. ~$1.1 million of BTC. https://t.co/k6OSsaFxqV pic.twitter.com/spjxb0dFmh
— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) February 27, 2022
I wouldn’t want to keep money in a bank that can’t access the SWIFT system. Once a bank can’t transfer or receive funds from other banks, its solvency can be at risk. If I were Russian, I would take my money out now. Bank runs could begin in Russia on Monday. #StandWithUkraine
— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) February 26, 2022
De-platforming Russia from the SWIFT system feels like a real possibility tomorrow.
This would mark the end of the USD Global Reserve currency era, and kick off countless cascading externalities to the current system, and incalculably accelerate the emerging crypto-era.
— Miles Suter (@milessuter) February 24, 2022
Treasury dept knows there isn’t a realistic risk that Russia could use cryptocurrency to evade sanctions at a meaningful scale
We’re talking about multiple orders of magnitude larger flows of money than would be possible to conceal on a public ledger https://t.co/XnEHMbIcrm pic.twitter.com/3Bppmv2IEr
— Neeraj K. Agrawal (@NeerajKA) February 26, 2022
we just gave $25 to each Ukrainian on FTX
do what you gotta do
— SBF (@SBF_FTX) February 24, 2022