Coinbase announced today that the EOS cryptocurrency will now be available to buy, sell, and trade for its retail customers across its many platforms, including and its Android and iOS apps.

The San Francisco-based crypto exchange had previously opened up EOS trading against USD, EUR, and BTC strictly for its Coinbase Pro clients in April.

However, as with every recent addition to the Coinbase lineup of cryptos, its latest addition will not be available for trading in the state of New York or the United Kingdom—at least, not initially—due to local regulatory constraints.

Nevertheless, Coinbase has been actively expanding its coin offerings as of late.


Last week, Coinbase followed through on its previously announced plans to add the Ethereum-backed stablecoin DAI to its retail platform. The week before that the exchange expanded trading of Ripple’s token XRP to the Big Apple, presumably after hopping over whatever regulatory hurdles were preventing it from initially doing so.

Following the news, the price of XRP spiked some 24 percent—the XRP Army seemingly pleased that The Standard had gained ground.

So far, the price of EOS has not similarly responded to Coinbase opening up trading of the token. Currently priced at around $7.86 per coin, according to Messari’s OnChain FX, the price of EOS has actually gone down slightly since Coinbase first announced the news.

Where’s the EOS Army when you need it?


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