Blockchain is no longer the most desirable job in the technology industry, according to a new report by the job site, Hired. Blockchain’s out, and virtual reality’s in. 

Job demand for augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) engineers increased by 1,400% in 2019. In comparison, the demand for blockchain engineers increased by just 9 percent—far lower than the 517% rise it saw in 2018.

Blockchain needs to face virtual reality

While the blockchain sector grew rapidly in 2018, fuelled by the late-2017, early-2018 bull run, crypto prices stagnated across the board and many companies were forced to let staff go. However, without facing the same kind of difficulties, AR/VR has been able to flourish.

a representation of a blockchain
Is blockchain losing its allure? Image: Shutterstock.

“We see the growth in AR/VR demand as a direct reflection of the technology itself coming of age for a broader swathe of business outside of gaming,” wrote Hired. “From beauty companies like Sephora to furniture retailers like Wayfair, many different types of companies are embracing the capabilities of these world building and enhancing technologies.”

Hired’s findings clash with those from another site for professionals, LinkedIn. In a report released last month, LinkedIn found that blockchain is the top hard skill that employers in the US, the UK, France, Germany, and Australia are looking for in 2020. And job postings for blockchain roles increased by 26% in 2019.

The different figures could be due to the different datasets: LinkedIn and Hired likely attract slightly different employers onto their sites.

But the good news for blockchain developers is that they still make top dollar. According to Hired’s report, they are earning $162,000 per year in 2020. Perhaps they don’t need a bull market after all.

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