Mousebelt, a blockchain development and investment firm, today announced the launch of an alliance that brings together 13 big-time players in the crypto industry, all in the name of promoting “innovation through education.”

The Blockchain Education Alliance, which aims to provide mentorship and support to college students through virtual and in-person workshops and meetings, so far counts with the support of Stellar, Tron, Hedera Hashgraph, NEM, and more—with another 15 members on the way in the coming months, according to MouseBelt.

“Educating students about the potential for blockchain technology to shape a new future will ensure that the industry gets the most passionate people involved,” Ashlie Meredith, program director at MouseBelt University, told Decrypt. “The students feel like they can be a part of this and get paid well to do it.”


The Alliance will so advise participating universities on curriculum for courses focused on blockchain technology, as well as collaborate with individuals looking to develop their own blockchain projects and connect them to potential job opportunities in the crypto space.

MouseBelt’s venture into the world of blockchain education got a boost last August when it partnered with three University of California campuses—UC Davis, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. The firm aims to provide educational content for students at these campuses who are interested in pursuing careers in the blockchain and crypto industry.

According to Meredith, the top areas of interest for research among Alliance members include post-quantum cryptography and peer-to-peer networks. Merideth said she hopes Alliance members can assist students in developing a wide array of projects, including new stablecoin projects and crypto wallets.

“Ask anyone what the most important thing the crypto industry can do, and [education] is probably their answer,” Meredith said. “2019 will go down as the year that the crypto community truly got organized to educate newcomers to the space—especially college students.”

Founded in 2017, MouseBelt aims to provide a full array of services to blockchain startups, including investment capital. The firm is now entering its third semester offering blockchain education courses to college students, as well as funding for crypto-focused student organizations.


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