The teen hacker who took over popular Twitter accounts last year as part of a scam to score Bitcoin, will sign a plea bargain in a Florida court today after his lawyers submitted paperwork yesterday.

Graham Ivan Clark will serve three years in prison and three years of probation after pleading guilty to financial fraud charges.

Clark hacked into verified Twitter accounts belonging to celeb users such as Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, and even socialite Kim Kardashian. He was then able to tweet out messages asking for people to send Bitcoin.


"We are giving back to our community. We support Bitcoin and we believe you should too!" he wrote posing as Apple in a July 15 tweet. "All Bitcoin sent to our address below will be sent back to you doubled! Only going on for the next 30 minutes."

Similar tweets were sent from the accounts of Joe Biden, Barak Obama, Uber, and a litany of others.

Despite all the trouble—and the big names involved—Clark and two alleged co-perpetrators Nima Fazeli (US) and Mason Sheppard (UK) only managed to snag $117,000 worth of Bitcoin from the scam.

Fazeli and Sheppard face federal charges.

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