In brief

  • Dogecoin's largest bagholder placed some strange Dogecoin transactions.
  • Some relate to Elon Musk's birthday.
  • Musk also supposedly bought his kid some Dogecoin today. He's a "toddler hodler," said the Tesla CEO.

A Dogecoin wallet that holds almost $3 billion of the coin spent much of yesterday buying up the numeric equivalent of Elon Musk’s birth date. 

As picked up on Reddit, the wallet, whose owner holds $2.8 billion of the coin, or 36.8 billion Dogecoin, and is the biggest bag holder on the network, yesterday placed 20 transactions for 28.061971 DOGE. 

No coincidence, surely, that this mirrors the day Elon Musk was born: 28th June, 1971. 


The account holder’s identity remains a mystery—it could, of course, be the hidden account of billionaire and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. It could also just be a very big fan of Musk—or simply someone with a good sense of humor about the whole thing.

Musk was the one-time “CEO” of Dogecoin and, intentionally or not, pumps the coin on Twitter with increasing regularity. Today, he tweeted that he “bought some Dogecoin for lil X [his 0-year-old son, X Æ A-12], so he can be a toddler hodler." That, too, pumped the price of the coin; this time by around 15%.

The unknown whale account holder has since placed several dozen transactions for Dogecoin that translate into binary code. However, Decrypt hasn’t managed to decipher much meaning from them, unless we’re out of the loop on whatever “ICU im nube 2 bÒn@<3 ur dsrpt” means. 

The account holder first started buying up Dogecoin two years ago. Depending on when the mysterious Dogecoin collector started snapping up the coin, said Dogecoin could be snapped up for as little as $0.002.


If the holder bought all of their current balance back then, they’d have spent just (!) $75 million for their haul.

Dogecoin hit an all-time high of $0.084895 two days ago, and has increased by 753% in the past month. The coin itself is a so-called meme coin, based upon a Shiba Inu dog(e).

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