Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been denied bail today in court.

Earlier this week, Judge Vanessa Baraitser decided against extraditing Assange to the United States, citing concerns for Assange’s mental health. But, on the flip side, she won't allow him to return home.

Judge Baraitser observed that Assange still has a case to answer, as the US retains a right to appeal. The judge also referenced Assange previously skipping bail in 2012. As a result, she is of the view there is still an incentive for Assange to flee.

Assange won't be extradicted to US

On January 4, Judge Baraitser ruled that Assange should not be extradited to the US. “I find that the mental condition of Mr. Assange is such that it would be oppressive to extradite him to the United States of America,” she said in a judgement.

“I am satisfied that, if he is subjected to the extreme conditions of SAMs, Mr. Assange’s mental health will deterioriate to the point where he will commit suicide,” Judge Baraitser added.

At the time, former CIA employee Edward Snowden, who also leaked classified documents relating to national security in 2013, hoped this decision will mark an end to Assange’s case. “Let this be the end of it,” he tweeted.


But it looks like it's not over yet.

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