The price of Bitcoin breached the $35,000 mark late on January 5, reaching as high as $35,341 and setting a new all-time high in the process.

The previous high of $34,608 was set just two days ago, according to data from CoinMarketCap.

For those not paying attention, Bitcoin has been on an absolute tear since late 2020. It's up 26% in the last week. Much of those gains came from the last 24 hours alone, as the price increased 10% since this time yesterday.


With today's jump, Bitcoin's market cap has swelled to $657 billion. Asset Dash—which tracks prices of stocks, crypto tokens, and exchange-traded funds—now ranks it as the eighth-most-valuable asset on its list. In the last day it has jumped over Alibaba Group Holding and is now on Tesla's tail.

It's not just Bitcoin. Ethereum has risen over 9% in the last 24 hours—and 52% in the last week—to reach a current price of $1,120. ETH's all-time high of $1,432 came on January 13, 2018.

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