In brief

  • Cryptocurrency exchange KuCoin was hacked earlier this year.
  • Some of the funds are still being moved, with $3.5 million worth being transferred today.
  • The $3.5 million has been moved in three separate transactions.

A total of $3.5 million worth of stolen funds has today been transferred to an unknown wallet following the KuCoin hack earlier this year, according to blockchain tracking system Whale Alert

Crypto exchange KuCoin was hacked on September 25, 2020. It has been estimated that over 1,000 Bitcoin (BTC) was stolen, along with other stolen cryptocurrency in the form of Litecoin (LTC), the stablecoin Tether (USDT), and XRP. While the hack was now some time ago, the funds continue to move across various blockchains—as the attackers look to escape with the money.

“1.7 million DX ($2.4 million) of stolen funds transferred from Kucoin Hack 2020 to unknown wallet,” Whale Alert said in a tweet today. 


In addition to the above transaction, two more transactions using KuCoin stolen funds have occurred. 

One involved the transfer of 26.5 million Dragonchain (DGRN) ($1 million), while 8.7 million of Request Network (REQ) ($154,000) was also moved. Each of these transactions were also sent to unknown wallets. 

As the international media focuses on the ongoing coverage of America’s 2020 presidential election, it is possible the attackers were hoping to hide under the radar.

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