In brief

  • An attacker tried to hack TRON today.
  • Justin Sun and "super representatives" thwarted the attack, Sun claims.
  • Details are slim.

The TRON blockchain today paused for two hours this morning after a mysterious attack, but everything’s back to normal, confirmed TRON CEO Justin Sun.

Sun laid out the matter in a series of tweets today. He said that while the blockchain was upgrading to version 4.1, the mainnet “was attacked by a malicious contract.” 


The attacker, said Sun, “initiated malicious transactions,” causing the “Super representative to suspend the production of blocks.”

Super representatives are the administrators of the TRON blockchain. They control the production of new blocks. These super representatives are elected by token holders (several are Sun-owned companies, Sun himself, and friends of Sun). 

The attacker wanted to “profit from the suspension of block production,” Sun said, without expanding on how or why.

But the “#TRON community responded immediately, locating the problem and fixing it immediately, and working with super representatives to upgrade the nodes,” he said. Things were back to normal within about three and a half hours.

The data on the chain remains intact and user assets are absolutely safe. #SAFU,” he said. 


Somehow, Sun had the chutzpah to say that this proves that the “#TRON network is the decentralized network with the most resilience and attack defense capabilities in the industry!”

Then Sun retweeted this:

Sun has not elucidated on the matter. His Telegram chat, which bans “FUD”—fear, uncertainty and doubt—contains no answers. 

The price of a TRON token fell, however, from $0.0258 last night to its current price of $0.0246. That’s a drop of 3%.

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