In brief

  • Goldman Sachs is hiring a vice president for its Digital Assets team.
  • The role will focus on the firm's strategy in the digital space.
  • The new vice president will work with Mathew McDermott, recently appointed as head of Digital Assets.

Goldman Sachs is hiring a new London-based vice president in the Digital Assets team within its Global Markets division. 

The firm’s embrace of digital assets is still very new. In May of this year, Goldman Sachs heavily criticized Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, claiming they were not viable investments. Recently, that position seems to have changed dramatically. In August, the firm communicated interest in launching a new stablecoin. And now, it’s expanding.


The new vice president will help the Digital Assets team in “defining and executing Goldman Sachs’ distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain efforts firmwide, including any potential initiatives in the cryptocurrency space,” according to the job description.

The role’s listed responsibilities also share several key points that are relevant to the crypto industry. These include collaborating with stakeholders to identify where blockchain and DLT can add value, representing the firm externally in the FinTech space, and requiring the VP to develop a deep understanding of various digital asset technologies. 

“In the next five to 10 years, you could see a financial system where all assets and liabilities are native to a blockchain, with all transactions natively happening on chain,” said head of Digital Assets Mathew McDermott, in a recent interview with CNBC.

Did he just say all assets?

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