In brief

  • Sunayna Tuteja is the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond’s Chief Innovation Officer.
  • The Richmond Fed oversees the DMV area.
  • Tuteja is a big believer in Bitcoin and crypto.

TD Ameritrade’s former head of digital assets has joined the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.

Sunayna Tuteja is the Richmond Fed’s new chief innovation officer, the bank announced today. In her new role, she’ll “lead efforts to identify, research, enable and advocate for new technologies while fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration and experimentation.”

The Richmond Fed is one of 12 banks in the Federal Reserve System (when people refer to “the Fed,” they’re usually talking about the system on a national level). It serves the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) area, as well as North and South Carolina.


Neither Tuteja nor the bank were immediately available for comment.

Tuteja worked at TD Ameritrade for more than a decade; according to her LinkedIn page, she last worked as managing director, head of digital assets & distributed ledger tech, with a focus on “blockchain & crypto.” During her tenure, the company began approaching crypto with a slightly more open mind; in 2017, TD Ameritrade began supporting Bitcoin futures trades.

And in a profile, she described herself as a “crypto nerd.”


Fed Chair Jerome Powell doesn’t really care about cryptocurrencies, but he recently said he’s at least keeping an eye on regulatory answers for state-controlled coins called CBDCs (central bank digital currencies). China is already piloting a CBDC, and several other countries and central banks around the world are currently in the process of developing their own.

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