In brief

  • Crypto ransom scheme REvil has struck again.
  • This time, the group is threatening to auction sensitive data about LeBron James, Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey.
  • The group—which demands funds to be paid in Monero—last month leaked Lady Gaga’s data.

Hacking group REvil has struck again—this time threatening to auction sensitive data about LeBron James, Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey.

The ransomware group—which last month threatened to auction data about Madonna—said the auction will start July 1. Private documents about the basketball player and two singers will start at a price of $600,000, Variety reported

REvil also reportedly said it would auction data from Bad Boy Records, MTV and Universal. The auction for Bad Boy Records opens at $750,000. The auction for MTV and Universal starts at $1 million.


And all funds must be paid in the privacy coin, Monero. 

According to the story by Variety, the hacking group said in a press release that it had obtained files containing “contracts, agreements, NDA, confidential information, court conflicts [and] internal correspondence with the firm.” 

“Show business is not concerts and love of fans only—also it is big money and social manipulation, mud lurking behind the scenes and sexual scandals, drugs and treachery,” the post reportedly said.  

The group targeted top showbiz attorney Allen Grubman and his firm, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks on May 14. Demanding $42 million from Grubman, the firm said it would leak sensitive data on Lady Gaga, Barbra Streisand—and then President Donald Trump. 

The hacker group then announced on May 18 that it would leak Madonna’s dirty secrets. 


The REvil group would previously ask for funds to be paid in Bitcoin—but then switched to Monero, which is far more difficult to trace. 

And the group has been successful. According to, on May 14 the group leaked over 3,000 files, including expense reports and confidentiality agreements, belonging to Lady Gaga. 

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