Coinbase has created a Platforms team to bridge the product and engineering sides of the company. And it’s hiring some Silicon Valley veterans to fill leadership roles.

The San Francisco-based cryptocurrency exchange today introduced Shilpa Dhar, Ravi Byakod, and Frank Yoo to their leadership team. They join from Venmo, Adobe, and Google, respectively.

Dhar will serve as Coinbase’s new Vice President of Product. Prior to coming to Coinbase, Dhar was product head at Venmo, the digital payments company. Before that, she helped usher in and expand mobile commerce at PayPal. 


Ravi Byakod comes aboard as the new VP of Engineering. Previously, as head of commerce engineering at Adobe, he oversaw elements of the software company’s commerce platform to make sure it integrated with other Adobe products. 

Outside of the Platforms team, Coinbase also brought on Frank Yoo as VP of Design & Research. Yoo comes straight from Google, where he led the search/data company’s efforts to enhance user experience for GSuite apps such as Chat, Calendar, and Google Voice. 

According to their LinkedIn profiles, Yoo and Dhar started working at Coinbase in June, though the hirings were only announced today.

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