American whistleblower Edward Snowden has weighed in on the recent Bitcoin price crash. While the Bitcoin price has halved, falling from $9,000 just two days ago to as low as $4,500 earlier today, Snowden is quietly optimistic.

"This is the first time in a while I've felt like buying bitcoin. That drop was too much panic and too little reason," he tweeted.


Snowden was a computer analyst who leaked top-secret NSA documents to journalists. These documents showed that the US was engaged in phone and internet surveillance of its own citizens.

Last year, the Department of Justice filed a civil lawsuit against Snowden for releasing a book without checking it first with the department. He tweeted that these attempts to restrict his speech amounted to censorship. Seeing a future in alternative, decentralized technology, he said, "in conclusion this is good for bitcoin."

The crypto markets have followed the wider markets over the last few days, heading in a downward spiral. Bitcoin lost 20% of its value yesterday, before losing another 20% earlier today. In this time, $70 billion has been wiped from Bitcoin's market cap, with a total of $100 billion lost from the entire crypto market.

As Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor is known for saying, be "fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful."


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