A Russian man has filed a lawsuit against Apple alleging that a cryptocurrency app caused him to turn gay, according to a copy of the complaint seen by news agency AFP and reproduced in the Telegraph.

The man tried to buy some Bitcoin, but he received some “GayCoin” instead—which came with a note: "Don't judge until you try.” 

“I thought, in truth, how can I judge something without trying? I decided to try same-sex relationships,” the complainant wrote. “Now I have a boyfriend and I do not know how to explain this to my parents.”

In the case filed September 20, the complainant claimed that Apple encouraged him "towards homosexuality through manipulation" by allowing him to receive GayCoin. He is asking for one million rubles ($15,000) for his complaint, which he believed caused him “moral and mental harm," arguing that he “will never become normal again.”


Although homosexuality was decriminalised in Russia in 1993, anti-gay prejudice is widespread in the country. In 2013, Russia passed legislation making it illegal to promote “non-traditional lifestyles to minors,” effectively banning LGBT activism. In recent months, LGBT networking sites have been blocked by the Russian courts, and homophobic vigilantes have targeted the LGBT community in Russia. LGBT activist Yelena Grigoryeva was murdered after her name was listed on an anti-gay website.

The complainant’s lawyer, Sapizhat Gusnieva, told AFP that Apple "has a responsibility for their programmes.”

The court will hear the complaint on October 17.

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