自上个月选举日以来,由Ripple Labs管理的这种代币一直是加密市场表现最佳的资产之一,跑赢了比特币和以太坊的相对涨幅。例如,自11月5日以来,XRP的价格已经上涨了430%,从0.50美元飙升至2.67美元。
无论是WisdomTree 还是 21Shares,几家资产管理公司最近都申请了能够让传统投资者接触XRP现货价格的产品。虽然这一发展可能会让美国投资者更容易接触到这种加密货币,但类似的产品已经在美国以外的地方存在,并且最近还获得了显著的资金流入,据CoinShares称。

XRP Surges Another 45%, Crushing Recent Bitcoin and Dogecoin Gains
XRP continued to surge into Monday, jumping to a price of $2.74—the highest mark seen since January 2018, and boosting the price by more than five times over the last 30 days. The Ripple-linked cryptocurrency began rising after Donald Trump's election win last month, but really took off after Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Gary Gensler announced that he will resign effective January 20, 2025. Gensler has led the agency's charge against crypto firms offering allegedly unregistered...
CoinShares研究主管James Butterfill周一写道,交易者可能是在押注XRP交易所交易产品(ETF)的获批,Ripple首席执行官Brad Garlinghouse曾在10月表示,这一发展在美国是“不可避免的”。
虽然XRP代币独立于Ripple的支付和结算产品运作,但Maple Finance联合创始人兼首席执行官Sidney Powell告诉Decrypt,这种加密货币正受益于Ripple在加密领域的“非常强大的品牌认知度”。
Powell在迈阿密表示,他注意到最近的Ripple大会与他参加过的其他加密活动有所不同。在这次名为Ripple Swell的大会上,Powell观察到有相当数量的机构参与者,包括投资和商业银行等。
市场制造商Wintermute的场外交易员Jake O.表示,XRP过去一周的价格上涨与Iota和Hedera随后的上涨相似。在过去七天里,这两种代币的价值分别上涨了66%至0.38美元和116%至0.29美元。

XRP Flips Tether Becoming World’s Third Largest Crypto as Prices Soar
XRP, the native token used within Ripple’s payments system, has jumped to the third spot in market capitalization rankings, beating out the incumbent stablecoin issued by Tether. The asset is up more than 71% on the week to $2.47 and a further 367% over the last 30 days, according to CoinGecko data. The asset previously flipped Solana for the fourth spot late Sunday. Ripple Labs’ case against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has been a primary focus for investors, which has been aided...
“围绕XRP的兴趣上升与Coinbase和Robinhood在App Store中的排名跃升同时发生,”这位Wintermute交易员在一份声明中补充说。“这表明零售投资者推动了最初的涨势,不过,随着交易量和流动性的增加,我们看到越来越多的机构交易者追逐这种资产的动量和波动性。”

Mobile Crypto Apps Are Climbing the Charts as Bitcoin Blasts Off
Mobile cryptocurrency apps have jumped towards the top of App Store rankings amid a surge for Bitcoin and other crypto prices, resulting in a major increase in the overall market cap for all coins—surpassing $3 trillion earlier this week. Coinbase leads the charge, jumping from #26 on Election Day to #1 on Friday in the Free Finance category of Apple’s App Store for iOS devices. The ranking boost aligns with significant spikes in trading volume on the exchange, which surpassed more than $12 bill...
与此同时,据CoinGecko 数据,周一XRP是交易量第三大的数字资产,仅次于比特币和稳定币Tether。过去一天里,有超过560亿美元的XRP易手,这种加密货币在交易量上已经超过了以太坊和狗狗币。

XRP Jumps as Ripple Vows to Invest in Rebranded Bitwise Fund
Ripple has said it'll invest in a newly-rebranded Bitwise Physical XRP ETP. The news has been a salve for the XRP price, which has shot up 7.2% to $1.43 at the time of writing, according to CoinGecko data. Today's surge puts it 26.8% higher than it was this time last week. The Bitwise Physical XRP ETP, which was previously called the European XRP ETP, is part of the firm's broader suite of crypto asset funds. The company also offers spot Ethereum and Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S.. Ripple CEO Brad Gar...
当SEC主席Gary Gensler宣布他将在候任总统唐纳德·特朗普明年就职时辞职时,这一发展被广泛视为对加密行业的一个积极信号,该行业在根斯勒的领导下一直受到严厉的打击。
在可能因SEC监管方式转变而受益的数字资产中,VLRM资产管理公司首席执行官Nick Cowan告诉Decrypt,XRP“惊人”的上涨部分受到了监管希望重燃的推动。
编辑说明:本故事在发布后进行了更新,包括来自Wintermute OTC Trader Jake O的另一条评论。