5 Questions With SCENE: Gala Marija Vrbanic

We catch up with Gala Marija Vrbanic, the outspoken founder and CEO of Tribute Brand, one of the first companies to pioneer digital fashion.

By Sander Lutz

2 min read

In the latest episode of 5 Questions With SCENE, spend a few minutes exploring the mind of Gala Marija Vrbanic, founder and CEO of leading digital fashion house Tribute Brand.

In early 2020—eons, in crypto years, before digital fashion rode metaverse hype to prominence in 2022—Zagreb-based Vrbanic and her colleagues founded Tribute Brand to create digital fashion infrastructure.

Quickly, though, the sample AR and VR designs Vrbanic and her team posted to show off their tech took off in popularity, and the company pivoted to creating not just digital fashion infrastructure, but original digital fashion pieces themselves.

Since then, Tribute Brand has established itself as a thought leader in the digital fashion sector, and expanded into a full-fledged platform—for both digital and physical fashion pieces—intent on reimagining people’s connection to clothing in the digital age. 

At center of Tribute Brand’s success is Vrbanic’s unique and hilariously deadpan perspective—one which ponders not just fashion, but graffiti crimes, fishless aquariums, and the apparently emergent sport of wind chasing. Watch above.

Article edited by Andrew Hayward

Video shot and edited by Vincent Roazzi Jr.

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